Saturday 20 October 2012

Cookies for Sissy's Students~

Yup, yet another round of cookie decorating session. This time it is for my big sis who wanted some cookies for her students. So sweet right?!!!! Being her student is a plus (otherthan the nagging, the scolding and the super strict this and that...yadah yadah...) because you will get to bring home goodies every now and then.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Late nights with cookies :)

For the past 2 days, I had been working late nights [ermm it is due to my busy schedule with meet ups and some miscellaneous stuff going on during the week. Hence, I gotta 'worked' OT (overtime) for the nights so that I am able to 交货 (aka producing the orders on time)].

I shall summarize to cut this post short, just so that I can rest before going to church (don't wanna fall asleep in church =x). A friend's daughter is celebrating her 3rd birthday. He had wanted 'Dora Themed' sweet treats which.....I don't think I am up for it and just by buying Dora toppers to place on cakes / cupcakes are just so not sincere. Hence, I suggested cookie toppers but it is just too much work to draw Dora on the sugar cookies. So we decided to do some cute cookie toppers to be placed on top of the cupcakes. 

Decoration of the cookies on my dining table, trying to be as tidy as I could. Seriously decorating cookies is somewhat therapeutic at times but also testing my PATIENCE at times.....

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Halloween Cookies - Part 1

These are Halloween sugar cookies which you can use as cupcake toppers or simply just to be given as it is to your family and friends on Halloween!

Friday 5 October 2012

Rocher Toffee Cake aka THE ROCK

The inspiration of this cake comes from Gateau Alhambra that I had learnt in LCB. The visible changes would be the removal the chocolate galcage which was replaced with a Rocher 'cover' and the inclusion of toffee between the layers :) 

Speaking of Rocher, it brings me back to the days at Melt's kitchen. I remembered vividly, the smell of yummy chocolate, the cold air (it was autumn, almost winter back then), trays and trays of freshly made chocolate bars, chocolate sticks, truffles, bon bons, etc. Of course there were Rochers as well and one day I was told by Chef to make some. So I did as I was told. Mixing toasted silvered almonds with tempered white chocolate, spooning them on parchment paper as quickly as I could. Hopefully to finish spooning the bowl of almond chocolate mix before they set due to the cold weather. 

Thursday 4 October 2012

Banana Bread

Banana Bread is one of the many cakes that I had always wanted to bake. Same goes for my Mom. Whenever I mentioned that to her she was like: 'Oh yeah....Banana Bread. We kept saying that we wanna bake it, but we just didn't.'. Well not anymore. Hehehe! I finally baked it. THE BANANA BREAD! ^.^V

In Singapore, we have many species of bananas. Hence, I was unsure which bananas to get. For this recipe, adapted from the book Flour by Joanne Chang, I had decided on Cavendish bananas as I recall only seeing them sitting on the shelf in London without their relatives - other species of bananas that is. And subsequently, I guessed it might be the case in the US too. So, I presumed, the recipes calls for Cavendish bananas.