Monday 17 September 2012


In continuation of the bread making session the other day, I made another batch of bread using a different recipe. Something I am familiar with which my mom kept pestering me to make.

This recipe is taken from LCB which I quite like because no eggs are required. Just water, flour, butter, sugar, salt and of course YEAST!

I love every part of bread making. Starting with forming 'slurry' to combine ingredients into a dough, kneading and whacking the dough, tucking in the dough, proofing the dough, the surprised of the dough's growth, the smell of the dough, the shaping and of course the end product, BREAD!

One of the best part will be the shaping of bread dough. You can do single knot, double knot, 4-strand braids, mickey, hedgehog, turtle, etc. Anything your imagination brings you. Guess what else I tried to make this time. hahaha...TOTORO!!!! It looks really funny but it is quite cute I think.

 Totoro is having a good time in the oven SUNBATHING!!!! (but its eyes seems like they are popping out because it is too hot) :x I will pipe it's eyes and nose and whiskers using Chocolate the next time. keke...

Totoro is very happy with his healthy tan ^^V

and a final picture :)
a really final picture. This is my Bear and its Totoro blankie :)
Just to add, bread making is a good way to get your children involve in the kitchen. You can unleash their creativity when it comes to shaping and I am sure they will love to knead the dough. Also, you can teach them some science about yeast action such as what causes the the bread to rise. I shall do a post on that next. so stay tune :)


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