Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Cookie Madness Week - Halloween Part II

This is going to be a short update. Lately the decorated cookie madness had hit my kitchen. Day in day out it had been cookies here cookies there. Trays of cookies stacking up on the dining table which sort of created inconvenience to my family and I especially when it is time for our meals. 

I get a little frustrated at times as I was hoping all trays of cookies to be packed and gone. I dislike seeing lots of things 'hanging' around everywhere. I like it neat. To be precise, I'd like them out of my sight. I get very uncomfortable and frustrated when I sees things lying around. (ok point noted. Out of Sight)

Skip that frustrating part..As I was saying, I had been busy preparing for Halloween. At least other than cookies I had orders for Red Velvet Cupcakes (RVC) and the 'Spurting' Choux which was quite a nice break from cookies. 

My sis did try to help out and she told me that decorating cookies are bad for your eyes. lol. It's kinda straining for the eyes to decorate so many cookies. I added to her comment, 'Backache too!' Boo Hoo...but like i always say it is quite satisfying when you see the completed work and weirdly therapeutic at times. 

Packing the cookies were a challenge as well. The cookies were well received except the fact that I didn't package them well enough which I agree totally. Hence, the upcoming Christmas cookies will be a change. Great looking cookies + pretty looking packaging = Me being very happy, my customers being very happy and those who received the packs of cookies being very happy too. YAY!!!

That's all for the update today. Stay tune for the Christmas post soon ;) Nighty.


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